Vol. II (2021), No. 1
Ivana Fojs
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia
Kristina Detelj
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia
Preliminary communication
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47954/ijcbe.2.1.2
JEL Classification: L26, O34, L14, M13
Technology parks are organizations that are supporting innovative entrepreneurial activity cooperating with knowledge-based institutions and using advanced technology. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of intellectual capital in technology parks. Through an analysis of current models for the assessment of intellectual capital, a preposition of a model for Croatian science and technology parks has been made. The main contribution of this paper is an intellectual capital measurement model which can be used in other existing science and technology parks, but also in research centers, entrepreneurial incubators and other entrepreneurship supporting institutions. Using the case study method, the paper identifies components of intellectual capital in a technology park, as well as the gaps between the level of development of each determinant. Data were collected through an interview with representatives of a technology park in Croatia. Results of this study can be used for strategic decision making.
Key words: intellectual capital, intellectual capital model, technology park, science park, entrepreneurship
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