Vol. I (2020), No. 2

Maja Basic  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7676-6983
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Marin Gacina
Iva Blazevic

Professional paper
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47954/ijcbe.1.2.1
JEL Classification: L81, L96


The purpose of this paper is to examine differences in factors affecting the probability of online and in-store purchase of telecommunications equipment in the Republic of Croatia. Online questionnaire survey conducted in September 2019 gathered responses that identified respondents’: method of telecommunications services and equipment purchase, their information gathering tools, factors affecting respondents’ telecommunications services and equipment purchasing decisions in general, and online and in-store purchasing decisions. 125 gathered responses were analysed using a binomial logistic regression. The results state that general factors incite respondents to purchase telecommunications equipment and services in-store. Factors inciting online purchases are enabling factors and cause respondents to purchase telecommunications services and equipment online. Responses were further divided into subsamples depending on gender and education level. Results are consistent in tested subsamples. In the sample of male respondents, the results are consistent, while the female subsample shows does not exhibit statistically significant results. Furthermore, subsamples that allowed education level differences showed the results are supported for the subsample of respondents with higher education, and are not supported for respondents with secondary education.

Key words: telecommunications industry, online, retail, customer segment, purchasing habits

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